Commercial Hazardous Waste

Commercial Hazardous waste is a waste with properties that make it potentially dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment. It can be liquids, solids, contained gases, or sludges. They can be by-products of manufacturing processes or simply discarded commercial products, like cleaning fluids or pesticides.

Commercial generated hazardous waste, such as discarded florescent lights, unused or leftover pesticides and fertilizers pose a significant threat to the environment. Therefore, they CANNOT be placed in your dumpster. Local, state, and federal regulations require that all hazardous waste be properly disposed of. Consult your city or town for up-to-date collection sites and dates in your area.

Per CT the Department Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP): “Small businesses are frequently unaware of the responsibilities for managing their hazardous wastes. Many dispose of paints, fluorescent lights, pesticides and other harmful chemicals in the garbage or by pouring them down the drain. By law, these businesses must make a determination if their wastes are hazardous and are prohibited from disposing of any hazardous wastes in the regular garbage. Contracting with a licensed hazardous waste disposal facility can be expensive for a small business. Recent changes in the state’s solid waste regulations allow many small businesses, known as conditionally exempt small quantity generators, (CESQGs) to bring their hazardous waste to household hazardous waste (HHW) collections. HHW collections typically take place on Saturdays in the Spring and Fall. These programs take in hazardous wastes such as oil-based paints, pesticides, fertilizers, thinners, acids, mercury, gasoline and other household chemicals. CESQGs frequently generate similar hazardous wastes.”

For more information about small business hazardous Waste disposal visit The Department Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) website at:

Additional Resources

For national information, go to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

For information on The Metropolitan District’s (MDC) Household Hazardous Waste Collection

For a list of Commercial Hazardous Waste and Non-Hazardous Waste Facilities visit the DEEP website at:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 20, 2025. This will mark the 30th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He is remembered for his contributions to the American civil rights movement in the 1960s.


* Collections will take place on your normal collection day. There will be No change in collection day. 


* Place barrels about 3 - 4 feet back from the curb-line so they are out for collection but not in the street.


* Please be sure all barrels are curbside by 6am for collection as many factors can affect our collection                times. Such as, set out rate, weather, and traffic.


* Sign up for our Email Alerts HERE for information specific to your town/collection day.


* What’s In & What’s Out of the curbside recycling stream - Check


* Don’t forget – When in doubt, put the barrels out