Hazardous Waste

Household hazardous waste is defined as discarded, unused, or leftover portion of household products containing toxic chemicals. Any product which is labeled WARNING, CAUTION, POISONOUS, TOXIC, FLAMMABLE, CORROSIVE, REACTIVE or EXPLOSIVE should be considered hazardous.

Home generated hazardous waste, such as discarded, unused or leftover pesticides and fertilizers pose a significant threat to the environment. Therefore, they CANNOT be placed in your dumpster, trash or recycle barrel. Local, state, and federal regulations require that all hazardous waste be properly disposed of. Consult your city or town for up-to-date collection sites and dates in your area.

For more information and a list of state wide collection dates, locations and times visit The Department Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) website at: http://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2718&q=325446&deepNav_GID=1967

Additional Resources

For national information, go to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/land-waste-and-cleanup-topics

For information on The Metropolitan District’s (MDC) Household Hazardous Waste Collection http://themdc.org/what-we-do/environment-health-safety/household-hazardous-waste-collection

Collection Notice



2025 Presidents’ Day

  • Collections will take place on your Normal collection day.
  • Don’t forget – When in doubt, put the barrels out.
  • Please be sure all barrels are curbside by 6am for collection as many factors can affect our collection times.
  • Single Stream Recycling – Please refer to What’s In & What’s Out for acceptable materials www.recyclect.com